Located high in the Tea Country villages of Dickoya and Hatton, the Tea Trails Resorts  of Sri Lanka offer among the most spectacular views and settings in the entire country. With tea-covered hillsides, gorgeous alpine lakes, and complete isolation to relax and rejuvenate. Each room is decorated with bespoke  hand-crafted furniture, and serviced by a private butler

The properties are recommended as they are all very rich in history. They are made of five restored colonial era tea planter residences, and each are connected to private ‘tea clubs’ that once hosted the families of Dutch and English tea planters who came to Ceylon to make their fortune. One of South Asia’s most beautiful churches can be found here as a reminder of those who came before them.

 I have a strong personal connection to this area as well,  below is an excerpt from my past article on my recent trip to Sri Lanka,  The Past and Post Colonial 

When we finally arrived to the central tea hills of Sri Lanka the temperature once balmy tropics had become that of a crisp New England Autumn, I found myself surrounded by broadleaf trees and tea bushes, with a mountainside lake. There in front of me, stood a 19th century English Church, here the colonialists lay buried. As we walked through the graveyard of ornate headstones, Mr. Sim offered no eulogy. Only remarking that they imported the Tamil Hindi to work this land. A single Christian caretaker stood in the background raking leaves against the silence. There was no voice for them here, just a reminder that they once spoke. We set off next to the former tea plantation turned villa where I would be staying.

I cycled those tea-covered hills, where crumbling Hindu temples remained sacred to the Tamil workers. Any land not used for tea was for worship, or filled with humble housing. But in one small village a field became the commons ground for cricket played in the altitude while parents labored in the fields. And rather than be embarrassed as I cycled past, it was considered a must that I take a couple swings of the cricket bat. Then, they wanted me to “Selfie, Selfie “with all of them. Its one of the few photos I have where every smile is genuine. I still don’t know why we made each other so happy.”


We can’t wait for you to discover the voices newly emerging from Sri Lanka on our PAST AND POST COLONIAL PHILOSOPHY TOUR . Here we will introduce you to those who speak for Sri Lanka in faith, in ideology on politics, through their art, and through trying to close the book on centuries of colonialism while finding a new voice all their own. Come discover the philosophy and voices in one of Asia’s most diverse and spiritually rich countries with Asia Art tours!

Author Matt Dagher-margosian

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